Prentice Court, Goldings, Northampton, NN3 8XS

01604 741960

Greenfields Specialist School for Communication

Let Our World Be Your World


Testimonials: 'Really happy with everything the school is doing...' 'Really informative and gave us the link to ... progress. She has developed so much since attending and we are all really pleased...' 'Extremely happy, very informative and lovely to hear all the progress that ... is making. Fantastic staff, very supportive and know ... very well...' 'Absolutely brilliant to hear all the new things ... can do in Conductive. All of the GSSC staff are fantastic and bring the best out of her...' 'Our child's progression in just 4 months here is massive...' 'I have attended my eight weeks placement in GSSC as a Mental Health Student Nurse... Everyone welcomed me and supported me through my learning journey. I have been given opportunities to work with Multi Disciplinary Team... I am very thankful to everyone who made my journey so amazing...' 'Absolutely brilliant time with the classes and children. You guys rock and it is great what you provide for these little stars...' 'Fabulous team, really supportive staff, the kids are lovely and couldn't be in better hands...' 'Such a devoted and brilliant team. The students have also been amazing. It is so clear how much they all care...' ' Really great and eye opening experience into SEND Schools. The school does a really great job...'

Progress and Attainment


Progress and Attainment including Performance Information at GSSC

At GSSC, all pupils are working below national expectations

How we track and Monitor Progress and Attainment at GSSC:

As a school we have invested heavily in developing a system that will record, track and monitor pupil engagement alongside gaining knowledge and applying skills.  We also track:

  • Accreditation attained over the last three years
  • Leavers’ Destination Data
  • Achievement of vulnerable groups or other sub-groups against whole school data
  • Individual progression and achievement
  • Progress towards EHC Outcomes

Overall Judgement:  the Senior Leadership Team are confident that all pupils make at least good progress given their starting points

Key Priorities:  To embed new RIDE curriculum and EARWIG assessment package to enable pupils to develop engagement through aspects and areas of learning from across the new curriculum

Progress and Attainment at GSSC

Assessment information is received from ‘feeder’ schools when pupils move to GSSC.  This is usually in Year 7 but some pupils do join other year groups.  Staff at GSSC also baseline pupils on entry and both of these assessments are used as a basis for future assessments through performance information against the new RIDE Curriculum. 

EARWIG Assessment Software Package

We use EARWIG to assess our pupils’ engagement with their learning. 

GSSC RIDE Curriculum

Aspects of Engagement 

Explorers and Detectives:  Aspire

Investigators: Inspire

Mind the Gap/Researchers/Theorists:  Acquire

We monitor and analyse ‘Working Level’ across and the curriculum subject/area/objective (stage of learning).


Outcome Setting

  • At GSSC we EARWIG (from September 2018) as our overall tracking tool.
  • Outcomes are based on our extensive knowledge of our pupils after discussions between the Class Teacher and Subject Area Leads and are linked to pupils’ EHC Outcomes
  • For pupils who arrive mid-year they will undergo a process that follows the same procedures for our Year 7 intake
  • In January we monitor progress towards Outcomes and adjustments are made to the delivery of the curriculum to ensure that pupils are able to engage fully with their curriculum. This is done in collaboration with the Class Teacher, Curriculum Area Lead and the Senior Leadership Team to address under achievement
  • We now set (Sept 17) action plans for pupils who need to build their resilience for learning
  • In June we moderate and evaluate progress against Outcomes
  • Evaluations are made using the process of: individual, Year Group, Key Stage and vulnerable group progress
  • In the Autumn term, subject coordinators interrogate the data through subject monitoring (EARWIG)and review individual progress and if necessary set Action Plans through whole school teaching staff professional conversations
  • New Performance Information Data is being developed for all pupils within GSSC that tracks from entry to exit including personalised data i.e. mobility, SALT, Sensory Diets Pupil Premium, Year 7 Catch-up Premium and Accreditation at Key Stage 4 and 5

Performance Information

As a school we monitor progress against non-curriculum areas e.g. sensory diets, conductive education, mobility, SaLT through EARWIG. EHC targeted outcomes are also monitored and evidenced within EARWIG to record progress towards Outcomes.   


Every pupil has an Annual Review of their Outcomes towards theirEHC Plan. As part of this process, parents and carers receive a school report containing information about achievements and progress towards EHC Outcomes, whilst highlighting outcomes for the forthcoming year/Key Stage.  There are also 3 Parent/Carer evenings held each academic year

 Assessment and Progress for all learners:  

  • Teachers use their knowledge and skills to plan ‘can do’ statements so that pupils are clear about what they are learning.
  • Review of marking, feedback and implementation of new ‘marking procedure’ through EARWIG has ensured that pupils know what they do well and how to improve
  • Pupils in receipt of additional funding are targeted to receive additional interventions to    ensure that they are achieving at least in line with their peers
  • Governors undertake learning walks to challenge judgements impacting on standards and pupil progress by regular monitoring and auditing.
  • Specialist provision (Sensory Circuits and Conductive Education) are in place to ensure that pupils are always ready to learn.
  • The school had developed a curriculum based on the cognition and communication level of all of its pupils focusing on engagement with learning and depth of learning
  • Our RIDE Curriculum has been designed to provide all pupils across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 with an accessible learning experience, which allows pupils to take ownership of and lead their own learning, encouraging thinking and problem solving skills.
  • Learning encompasses our pupils EHCP outcomes and provides pupils with a holistic learning experience focusing on aspects of engagement, and stage of learning within and across subjects/areas of their bespoke curriculum.
  • This curriculum aims to ensure that our pupils are ready to continue their learning post GSSC.
  • Accreditation at Key Stage 4 and 5 builds on prior skills through personalised learning pathways following OCR Life and Living Skills and the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
  • Options at Key Stage 4 and 5 ensure that pupils’ interests are included within their individual learning pathways.
  • The effective use of Pupil premium ensures that FSM pupils and others targeted for support is rigorously accounted for and published ensuring there is evidence of diminishing the difference.
  • Year 7 catch up funding is used effectively to raise attainment through communication across the curriculum interventions by a specialist teacher.

Summary and Progress:

Pupils at GSSC have always made at least good progress given their starting points against P Level and NC National Level data, whilst also acknowledging that National Data Sets provided limited comparison of progress due to size and complexity of cohorts.

Our new assessment system has been designed and implemented to provide each pupil with a bespoke package to meet each pupil’s individual curriculum and learning needs.  GSSC are now embedding its new assessment package (EARWIG) and collating and analysing evidence and data to provide a clear route of learning against outcomes for each of our pupils, using the recommendations from Rochford to develop best practice across the school.

Accreditation achieved at the end of Years 11 and Years 13

100% of Pupils in Years 11 and Year 13 work towards and achieve a range of external accreditation including:

OCR Life and Living Skills at Entry Levels 1-3

OCR Entry Level Science

OCR Entry Level Maths

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Modules or Award

Arts Award Discover and Explore

Arts Award Silver

AQA Unit Awards

Due to the small number within cohorts it is not possible to report individual exam results.  However, this information is held within school.

School Performance Tables can be found on the following website:

Destination data for pupils.

Destination data is tracked for pupils on exit from GSSC. This data is tracked for three years after their leaving point from GSSC or after KS4, whichever is sooner.

The majority of our pupils remain at GSSC into Sixth Form if appropriate and follow the application process to do this. Some pupils and their families occasionally decide another provision is more appropriate.

Our Family Liaison Officer (FLO) with responsibility for transitions following GSSC liaises with parents/ carers/ provisions to follow up destinations and records are held within GSSC.

Destinations data is collated annually and collected by Prospects in line with GDPR in order to fulfil its duty to the Secretary of State and Department for Education. It also provides local level information for the Local Authority to assess its provision and plan for the future.

Due to the small cohort of annual leavers identification of provisions may identify individual pupils. Please contact the school for further information of pupil destinations, the Careers Leader will be happy to answer any questions you may have.