Semi-formal Curriculum
The semi-formal curriculum at GSSC is a bespoke aspiration curriculum for our ‘Investigators’, designed to develop skills which support independence, social, emotional and physical wellbeing whilst encompassing communication development.
Pupils have the opportunity to practice these in a range of contexts and settings, providing opportunities to generalise skills with fluency and accuracy.
Our semi- formal curriculum ensures pupils develop the skills, independence, confidence and self-worth that they need in thinking about their future destinations. It provides opportunities to revisit and generalise their learning so that skills can be applied in wide range of different contexts and settings.
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Our curriculum enables pupils to work at their own pace using their preferred method of communication and interests in order to develop their own learning journey through the curriculum.
Pupils are able to work on the same outcomes through differing intentions, enabling the development of problem solving, collaborative working and self-confidence. Pupils are enabled to be aspirational and develop resilience to problem solving, constantly striving for their personal best.
Areas of learning across the curriculum include; My Communication, My Citizenship, My Creativity, My Independence, My Physical Wellbeing, My Play and Leisure, My Thinking and Problem Solving, The World about Me and My Careers, as well as promoting Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural experiences and opportunities. The semi-formal curriculum also includes core skills for English, Maths and Science to bridge the gap for pupils who are not yet prepared to study at Formal Curriculum level. Communication remains at the core of all learning.