Prentice Court, Goldings, Northampton, NN3 8XS

01604 741960

Greenfields Specialist School for Communication

Let Our World Be Your World


Testimonials: 'Really happy with everything the school is doing...' 'Really informative and gave us the link to ... progress. She has developed so much since attending and we are all really pleased...' 'Extremely happy, very informative and lovely to hear all the progress that ... is making. Fantastic staff, very supportive and know ... very well...' 'Absolutely brilliant to hear all the new things ... can do in Conductive. All of the GSSC staff are fantastic and bring the best out of her...' 'Our child's progression in just 4 months here is massive...' 'I have attended my eight weeks placement in GSSC as a Mental Health Student Nurse... Everyone welcomed me and supported me through my learning journey. I have been given opportunities to work with Multi Disciplinary Team... I am very thankful to everyone who made my journey so amazing...' 'Absolutely brilliant time with the classes and children. You guys rock and it is great what you provide for these little stars...' 'Fabulous team, really supportive staff, the kids are lovely and couldn't be in better hands...' 'Such a devoted and brilliant team. The students have also been amazing. It is so clear how much they all care...' ' Really great and eye opening experience into SEND Schools. The school does a really great job...'

Pupil Premium and Year 7 Catch Up Funding

Pupil Premium:

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.

Pupil premium funding is available to:

  • local-authority-maintained schools, including:
    • special schools (for children with special educational needs or disabilities)
    • pupil referral units (PRUs – for children who can’t go to a mainstream school)
  • academies and free schools, including
    • special academies (for children with special educational needs or disabilities)
    • alternative provision (AP) academies (for children who can’t go to a mainstream school)
  • voluntary-sector alternative provision (AP), with local authority agreement
  • non-maintained special schools (NMSS – schools for children with special educational needs that the Secretary of State for Education has approved under section 342 of the Education Act 1996)


At GSSC how pupil premium is used:

We strive to develop maximum potential to enable all of our pupils to become confident learners

  • raising self-esteem
  • promoting confidence, independence, self-worth, individuality
  • positive relationships
  • engagement and resilience in learning
  • developing communication skills, using pupils own preferred method of communication/pupil voice
  • engaging parents/carers in their young person’s learning

We do this by:

  • regular assessment of performance data
  • holistic approach for the whole child across the curriculum and school day
  • engaging with external professionals to provide support, guidance and training
  • individual learning intentions and observation of all pupils
  • monitoring progress against learning intentions daily
  • tracking and adapting approaches to meet the ever changing needs of our pupils
  • capturing progress through photographic evidence and video
  • case studies showing qualitative and quantitative data
  • regular meetings between professionals
  • Governance scrutiny: review and value for money

This is the difference we make…

  • Data analysis of individual learning intentions through MAPP (Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress) shows the positive impact of our strategies and interventions
  • interventions delivered are designed to provide sustainability and value for money
  • existing staff are trained to deliver high quality specialist interventions through working alongside external therapists and trainers to support pupils


Year 7 Catch up Funding

The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve at least level 4 in reading and/or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2).

At GSSC Year 7 Catch Up Funding is used to enable pupils to access literacy and numeracy through individual communication development and pupil voice

  • We aim to improve access to literacy and numeracy through development of communication and pupil voice
 Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2015-2016.pdfDownload
 Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2016-2017.pdfDownload
 Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2017-2018.pdfDownload
 Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2018-2019.pdfDownload
 Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2019-2020.pdfDownload
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